Hello, World! ✨
—elizabeth, Tue Aug 08 2023
I built this blog as an assignment for UT Austin Boot Camps. I had a lot of fun experimenting with styling and adding additional features. I challenged myself to use vanilla CSS instead of a styling framework to strengthen my CSS Knowledge. Figuring out the responsive navigation with a hamburger drop down was difficult but rewarding! Some additional features I was able to include are editing and deleting comments. This feature was a little more tricky than editing and deleting a single post since there can be multiple comments (and comment buttons) on a single page. I learned how to loop through several buttons while retrieving the content of the corresponding element using the 'closest' method. The 'closest' method is used to find the closest ancestor element that matches a specified CSS selector (which was then used to retrieve the text content of a specific element within that ancestor). I am excited to continue practicing my coding skills by building more projects like this one. Visit me on GitHub at github.com/elizabetholsavsky to view my source code and to see what I come up with next.